Energy Healing with Tiffany

How Your Energy Supports You
Before understanding how energy healing helps you, first it's important to understand how your energy field operates and the common misconception that most healers will facilitate healing from. Most material in the world on energy healing focuses on the need to clear and purify the body to restore the energy field. However the truth is that your energy field is amazing at balancing and purifying itself. Your light can never have any situation or person diminish or imbalance it. It is self-sustaining and powerful.
However because of misconceptions, people search for energy healing clearing when they feel blocked or like there's negativity stuck preventing them from moving forwards. Yet what is actually happening in their system is entirely different all together.
Since most people are not naturally taught to let their light energy shine bright, when trauma or painful situations happen they will unconsciously separate or pull away from an experience. This can be because of concerns for safety or being hurt in some way. When this happens it creates a shadow effect where the person cannot meet their emotion/experience without feeling hurt or that something is wrong.
This is where people need to understand it's not about clearing one's energy, but about undoing this separation. When the negative experience or limiting belief meets your light energy, it naturally heals and your energy feels more stable and strong than ever, ready for the next layer of healing.
This is what it means to come back to yourself and feel whole. You are not separating from parts of you that need to clear. You are stepping more fully into your innate light that resolves all conflict and pain on the spot.
All feelings are welcome and all feelings are important. Feelings lead you back to yourself. Negative feelings are not there to limit you to the point that you are struggling and need them cleared. They are there to show you that something is off in the way that you are operating which is then causing pain or stress in some way.
The truth is that your natural set point is light and there is nothing that can change that. Your light shines amazingly bright, but you can have experiences in life that cause grief or confusion. When this happens, for many people they'll feel like something is wrong. Instead of going internally and being present with the emotion and opening up to their truth/light, allowing the pain to resolve itself, people will unconsciously start separating instead.
This is when they either look for talk therapy or search for emotional healing through energy healing.​
Knowing the above is significant because it's with this frame of mind that you can see energy healing as something different then what mainstream teaches. Initial separation leads people into greater separation when they feel they need to only allow the "positive" and separate from negativity.
For true and lasting healing, separation ceases. People begin to understand that their thoughts and emotions are there for a reason. It is shining light on a way of living that is not working anymore. When a negative emotion or thought is arising, that is an invitation to open up and discover this.
When receiving an energy healing session from Tiffany Lenhard, she is focused on this total picture. She is not looking at the negative and what people would consider wrong. She is asking what needs to open up for a person to connect deeper within themselves for lasting change. This is done by identifying and connecting with the "negative" parts of oneself that they separated from at one time or another.
All feelings are welcome and all feelings are important. Feelings lead you back to yourself. Negative feelings are not there to limit you to the point that you are struggling and need them cleared. They are there to show you that something is off in the way that you are operating which is then causing pain or stress in some way.
The truth is that your natural set point is light and there is nothing that can change that. Your light shines amazingly bright, but you can have experiences in life that cause grief or confusion. When this happens, for many people they'll feel like something is wrong. Instead of going internally and being present with the emotion and opening up to their truth/light, allowing the pain to resolve itself, people will unconsciously start separating instead.
It's helpful to have a healer for this experience because when people are faced with their past, it can be overwhelming when done alone. There are many self help methods that address trauma, but when done with a intuitive professional, they are able to see all the layers to the process that need to be walked through. In a healing session, this is done in the most gentle and complete way that offers relief and comfort rather than stirring up emotions and cause them to feel triggered instead.
If you still have questions, reach out for a consultation.
You meet the healer you are ready for. For every step of your healing Journey you are on, you will find a healer that can meet you there and help facilitate a deeper transformation than the experiences before. This is how we grow. This is true for healers too and it's why it's important for healers to continue to expand and meet new levels on their journey as well. Tiffany Lenhard is consistent in doing the inner work and expanding her gifts which helps her facilitate the session you need.
To work with Tiffany, book here.