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What is Energy Healing?

Your Questions, Answered

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  • Do you offer Gift Cards?
    Yes, to purchase a gift card, click here. This link will send your gift card via email to the recipient. When the recipient would like to use it for a session, they'll go to and click "book an appointment." They will select the service and time they prefer and then enter in the gift card information as payment in the credit card section. For the expiration date, put in any future date. Also put in any number for the security code and it will let you book. If you have any questions, please reach out to
  • What areas of my life can I heal with energy healing?
    Energy healing has the capability to transform all areas of life: mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health. It can also help you reach and maintain your financial goals as well as improve your relationships whether familial or romantic. Everything is energy and there are usually underlying imbalances to every block you are experiencing in life. Identifying these areas and clearing the imbalances can dramatically increase your chances of success and happiness.
  • How does it work?
    Body Code is based on the understanding that everything is energy: our thoughts, emotions and physical make up. With this knowledge it is easy to see how certain emotions, memories and feelings can influence our ability to create optimal health and well-being. By using muscle testing and communicating with the subconscious mind to identify the underlying imbalance of stress and illness, this negative energy can be cleared within seconds. This happens because until an imbalance is identified, it is locked within the body and able to hide. However when you identify the imbalance, it can no longer hide and automatically shifts to the surface of the body to be cleared rapidly. After one imbalance is cleared, the subconscious moves onto the next until no more imbalances can be cleared in the body until a client has had time to process the shift.
  • Where is this therapy from? How does it work?
    Body Code was developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, who developed this energy healing method during his years as a doctor in chiropractic medicine. For more information, visit
  • Why are longer healing sessions not offered?
    The short answer is that you receive a "complete" healing session in which Tiffany Lenhard works with the root causes of your concern until your subconscious mind shows that you have received all the healing you can for the day and that the work performed for the session is complete. This in-depth healing is typically about 15-20 minutes. With the Body Code healing technique she uses, negative energies are identified and released with such precision that the body is able to let each energy go in a matter of seconds. When the energy is identified and it is known exactly what is needed to be cleared, there is no resistance from the body. The body sees it and is ready to let go and shift. With this more complete healing experience, many clients need several days to process the changes and can experience a deeper release in the days following. With other healing modalities, this is not the case. One unidentified negative energy alone can take 5-10 minutes of sending it light energy before the body feels safe to release it and even then the body may still not release it. For this reason other practitioners that book healing by the time (ie 30, 60, 90 minutes) and not by a "complete" session may even tell you that whatever it is "stuck" cannot be cleared unless he/she extends the healing session. Or they may ask you to book longer sessions in the future, when in reality it's not the time, but how effective the healing is. Tiffany Lenhard is an expert in working with the subconscious mind and she is performing a complete session every time and knows exactly how to work with your energy in the exact way necessary to make sure you are receiving everything you need in that moment for the deepest healing. Another way to look at this is to think of a career as a software programmer. General software programming can be performed by many people new to the industry and take significantly longer than a software expert who works on complex tasks. The general programmer takes hours for a simple equation, while the expert takes 15 minutes for the most complex equations. Companies spend thousands of dollars for a few hours of the experts time vs hundreds for the general programmer because they're taught that greater results in less time saves them from costly mistakes. With this analogy in mind, consider that there are many healers acting similarly to the general programmer. They are not releasing the root cause of concerns from deep in the energy field and many times are working the surface energy to create instant gratification. This is why people will often feel relaxed after a surface energy healing session, but do not have any lasting results. When working with Tiffany, she is looking more in depth at your energy field and working for lasting change. She is looking at the deepest roots of the concern so that you receive real results and true relief in less time. This means less sessions in order to experience real change.
  • Why choose Body Code with Tiffany over other modalities of healing?
    Many energy healers can balance your energy field and release negative energy, however Tiffany brings the unique skill of being able to identify and harmonize energy rapidly. So rapidly that what would take several sessions to clear with another practitioner, Tiffany can clear in just one session. For this reason, pricing also differs from other practitioners/modalities and becomes significantly more cost effective for you in the long run and can save you precious time and unneeded pain. Her goal is to give you the most transformational experience in the shortest amount of time, for the greatest results.
  • Does this energy healing therapy work over long distances? Is the therapy any stronger when I am in person with you?
    Energy healing offers the same amazing benefits regardless if it’s a long distance healing session or in-person. The perk of long distance healing is that you will be in a comfortable environment of your choosing and will not need to drive after your session. This can be beneficial for those who would like to relax and enjoy being in the moment after the session ends.
  • Is this healing work the same as Reiki therapy?
    The main difference between Reiki and Body Code are predominantly seen in how a session’s length of time varies. Body Code is a faster-pace healing that allows for direct communication with the subconscious through muscle testing. By identifying the underlying cause of imbalance with muscle testing and then clearing the imbalance with healing energy, it rapidly reduces the amount of time needed to restore the body to optimal conditions. In many cases just 15 min of Body Code can heal well beyond what is possible in a whole hour of Reiki Therapy. This in itself is a transformational experience and is why the cost of a session is not based on time taken, but by the amount of healing possible in a Body Code session. In other words, you could schedule a full hour of healing with a Reiki practitioner, however it is very likely that you will have greater healing effects in just 15 min of Body Code.
  • How soon can I expect results?
    Restoration and balance happens in layers. You can’t force it, and it’s not possible to provide any guarantees. Some people have what they consider a “miraculous” outcome the first time they utilize The Body Code. Others take several weeks or months before their main concern may be resolved. Sometimes the more serious the problem is, the longer it can take to get results. But that is not always the case! Certified Body Code Practitioners can release anything that is standing in the way of your happiness, abundance or health and release it. Just stick with it and allow changes to happen when your mind, body and spirit are ready. - Discover Healing Website
  • Did Tiffany get any training in this line of work?
    Yes, in order to be a Certified Body Code Practitioner it is required to submit over 100 client sessions for evaluation in addition to taking an extensive 6 month training course. Before Body Code Certification, Tiffany had been a Certified as a Reiki Master in 2015.
  • Are you certified in energy healing work?
    Yes, Tiffany Lenhard is a Certified Body Code and Emotion Code Practitioner as well as being a Certified Reiki Master.
  • What can I expect as a result of receiving energy healing?
    Healing looks different for everyone and the results vary based on what your individual intention for healing is. Whether it be emotional or physical health or even financial or relationship renewal, energy healing offers the ability to clear out the negative energy that is blocking your ability to have the life you desire.
  • What is your cancellation policy?
    We offer a 24 hour cancellation period, where as long as you cancel 24 hours before your session, your cost will be fully refunded.
  • Are there any healing reactions to this energy therapy?
    Healing is different for everyone whether choosing to heal or through alternative therapies or western medicine such as surgery. When healing with Body Code, Tiffany is identifying and clearing the negative energies that have been contributing to the area of life you wish to heal. When this happens it reduces the negative energetic burden on the mental/emotional/physical body and thus allows the body to begin to heal itself as it was always designed to do without the negative interference. How your body heals is unique to you and cannot be compared with another’s healing experience.
  • Do you provide bulk discounts if I buy a package?
    There are no bulk session discounts, however if you are not new to energy healing and are ready to completely transform an area of your life such as your romantic life or financial health, please email: and inquire about our transformational healing options.
  • How far away do you practice energy healing on your clients?
    Tiffany Lenhard helps clients all over the world and there is no limitation on the healing she provides no matter how far the distance. For additional inquiries, reach out via contact form or call: (405) 708-0343
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